Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fried Eggs

According to our pediatrician, toddlers go through what is known as "streaking" meaning they will almost only eat one particular food or kind of food for a while, then move on to another food and only eat that for a while. I'm 29 and I'm a total streaker. I have gone through the strangest food fads, including but not limited to: Trix yogurt (omg I was bouncing off the walls from so much sugar!), oranges, toasted cheese and pickle sandwiches, potato rolls with mayo, tomato, pickles and onions (this is when I was a vegetarian), and soy chips. My newest edible obsession? Eggs. Specifically fried. I don't know how one is really supposed to fix a fried egg. I just spray some nonstick crap onto a pan over high heat and break the egg open, pour it in and mush everything up. It's not scrambled because I mush it up into a big round flat clump, as seen below.

This, on top of a piece of toast, next to a mound of steamed veggies, has been my weekday dinner for the past 2 weeks. And I actually find myself looking forward to it. I'm bummed because right now we're out of bread. I actually stole my husband's last piece of rye (I don't even like rye!) so I could get my egg fix last night. But I might actually make a trip to the grocery store before dinnertime just to get some. That's how horny I am for this fried egg on toast dinner.
What's really funny about this new love interest, well funny to me at least, is that every morning I mosey on down to the cafeteria at work and have 2 scrambled eggs with my breakfast. I was actually challenged today by someone at work asking me what my cholesterol was, after hearing of my daily three-egg habit. Proudly, I countered that it's 142, as of maybe 2 months ago. Considering that I had a serious cholesterol issue as a kid and went on a no-nonsense diet administered by my mother in an effort to keep me off medication, hopefully I won't be eating my words soon. But I'm sure the fad won't last long enough to have an effect on my cholesterol.

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