Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It's 5:10am and I'm stalling. I'm having a little trouble mustering up the motivation to work out today. I had a looong weekend (4 days!) and didn't work out for 3 of them.

Friday night I went out with some friends and partied like I wasn't about to turn 30 next month. Which, for me, means I had 2 drinks. Which probably didn't even have any alcohol in them. I bellied up to the bar and just asked the bartender for "something fruity enough that I can't taste the alcohol." I am sooooo wild, I know. I did get to dance, which was fun. No krumping though. Have I blogged about krumping? I have a how-to video but I'm still trying to master the stomp, which is apparently the bread and butter of krump. SB has completely mastered the stomp and uses it quite frequently. I'm a little jealous.

I ran on Friday so that I would feel skinny on my downtown adventure, and that was the last workout of the entire weekend. So yesterday when I tried to run in the morning, then teach a core strength class, then teach step, I was dying. I wasn't feeling too great over most of the weekend anyway. I think going off the pill made my hormones go wild because I felt very crampy in my back, hips and even down my left thigh. It actually hurt just to walk. So during step class I still wasn't feeling too on top of my game and ended up taking a riser out of each side about 35 minutes into the class. I know, what's the point- there were only 10 minutes left! But I was dying. I've never done that before and I got some concerned looks from the regulars, which made me feel loved. Weird, though, how 3 days of hardly lifting a finger has an effect on a person's energy level!

OK I know this wasn't too thrilling or exciting but I should get to lifting now. Maybe I'll think of something more interesting to post later in the day.

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