Thursday, November 13, 2008

Photo FAIL

Every year around this time I get started on the daunting task of selecting the cream of the crop of the 4.7 billion photos we take of SB every year so that I can order prints and give them as (cheap-o) Christmas gifts to my family. The top 2 or 3 get blown up into whatever the next larger size is after 5 x 7 while the rest are forced to remain 4 x 6 and stuffed into nice (cheap-o) photo albums. This is mostly for my mother and my mother-in-law, because they are not computer-savvy enough to show people photos of their grandchild via email. They like it, and it's a cheap alternative to taking print orders all year long, so it's a complete win-win situation.

I received the first batch in the mail today and immediately started perusing the photos documenting the past 12 months of my life as if I'd never seen them in my life. There was SB opening her presents last Christmas, SB at the zoo, SB hugging the dog, SB brushing her teeth, SB at the beach, SB at the pool, SB sitting on the sofa, Sb....well, you get the picture (no pun intended).

And then there was this:

Um....I don't know what that is. I mean, I know what it is, it's a castle-type thing and a river or canal-type thing with some house-looking things alongside it. But I've never been there. And neither has TB.

In fact, upon closer inspection, I'm pretty sure this isn't even America. Are there any castles in the US? Nah, those buildings look too pretty and clean to be the US. If you look closely, the pink building in the background has some flags on it, but I can't tell what the flage depict. And there are some banners hanging from the streetlamps but I can't make out what they say.

So somehow we got someone else's photo mixed in with our bunch. I didn't think this could happen very easily when ording prints online, but I guess it's possible. So that leads me to wonder what print, if any, of ours, the rightful owner of this print received.

Could it be one of the random photos I take of my legs, for no apparent reason at all?

Maybe they are standing there right now wondering if their photos got mixed up with some cannibal porn?

Or maybe someone got this beauty by accident?

Hopefully no one was forced to take a gander at these gorgeous self-portraits.

I'm hoping whoever got one of my photos isn't some big animal rights activist who now has to witness the torture I put my dogs through.

Surely they wouldn't report me after that unmistakable look of pure joy on her face...

Or maybe one of my many "I'm bored at work in the senior center" photos? Will they realize this is a balloon? I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant....

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