Yes, I understand how guys can find two attractive girls naked and groping each other hot. Seeing as how I'm a heterosexual female, it's not my cup of tea....but I can see how a guy would like that. But what's so hot about two mediocre girls sloppy drunk and playing tonsil hockey? I don't get it. It's not hot. I don't see it.
Now I'm not here to judge. And I'm not talking about lesbians. If a girl is homosexual or even bisexual, and is honestly turned on by making out with another girl, that's a completely different topic. I fully support their decision and wish them happy makeout sessions for life.
I'm talking about heterosexual girls who will, in the presence of and encouragement by horny men, make out with another girl just for show. I had no idea this was as commonplace as it is until recently. I got into a disagreement about how normal it is for a married woman to make out with another woman. Personally, the thought of making out with another woman never once entered my mind as something I'd be even mildly interested in. And I've never seen any of my girlfriends make out with anyone but guys, no matter how sloppy drunk they were. But this person insisted all girls do it. I couldn't wrap my mind around this so I asked one of my close friends if she ever made out with girls.
Her response was that she would do it in HIGH SCHOOL, just to get attention from the guys. She said she no longer did it because she didn't really feel the need to impress guys that way anymore now that she's a little older. She's 25.
This makes me mad, for some reason. Why on earth would any self-respecting girl do something she normally wouldn't do ONLY to impress a guy? I know we do things every day that we don't particularly like to make ourselves more attractive, with a special emphasis on attracting the opposite sex- like wearing heels, tight jeans, makeup etc. But to go so far as to make out with, grope or even go further with someone you're not interested in? Just for attention? Just so you feel someone thinks you're sexy? I don't get it. I'm not saying I don't understand it. I'm saying I don't like it. Why is it that important that someone else thinks you're sexy? If you think you're sexy then that's all that should matter.
And it's such a double standard, too. If I were to announce to a guy that I was dating (let's pretend I'm not married for a minute here) that I find it sooooooo hot to see two guys making out, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that I would ever get to see that. It would be too much of a blow to their manhood, no matter how hot it looks to the other sex. So why do they expect it from us? And why do we do it?
So now when I see photos of girls who are out partying, and obviously drunk, making out with other girls, I feel sorry for them. Because chances are they're not doing it out of pleasure or because they want to, they're doing it because they feel the need to impress other people. We should be more confident in ourselves than that. We should know that we can score a great guy without having to resort to engaging in sexual behavior with someone who we wouldn't otherwise be interested in.
On a completely unrelated, kind of random note, I just found out that I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday in New Orleans later this year. Woo hoo!
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