Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Feelings of Blobbery

Ever have one of those days where you know you would have been more productive had you stayed in bed all day? Today was one of those.

It started out normal enough. I got to work early and was debating whether to lift upper body or lower body. I kind of did a half-assed leg workout on Saturday then completely missed my upper body workout on Sunday, tried to make up for it on Monday but got interrupted. So I wasn't sure where I was. I decided to go with finishing upper body.

Bad call. I was extremely tired, physically, and I have no idea why. My Monday Night Insomnia had taken a break (probably because I worked the early shift which is unusual for me) so I was fairly well-rested. But for the first time in my life, I gave up mid-biceps curl and dropped the weights on the ground. Good thing I was alone! It wasn't my proudest moment in the gym.

I did teach 2 classes at work today, so that was semi-productive, but I kind of think I phoned it in. I wasn't completely there. Other than that, I hardly did anything at work. And I left early.

Then I spent my first three hours at home doing the exact same thing I did at work for 6 hours- surfing the net (SB was napping). Somewhere during all this heart-pounding adventure I discovered that I injured something in my right hand, probably while I was lifting, because the area between my third and fourth knuckle was very sore. It was uncomfortable to do certain things. Like type.

So obviously not getting the hint that I should just give up attempting anything productive today, I decided to try to run. Seriously, why doesn't someone knock some sense into me? I did't even get in a mile. I was too pooped. And I was doing so well with my running lately too!

So now I just feel like a huge blob. It's a weird feeling. I really want to run but I just can't force myself. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up and spring from the bed with a renewed lust for life.

At this point I'll just be happy if I make it out of bed tomorrow.

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