Thursday, July 3, 2008

Face Cellulite

This morning was a rough one for me. I woke up before my alarm with a sinking feeling in my chest, knowing that I was going to have to wake up soon. But instead of trying to go back to sleep I dwelled on this until I finally sucked it up and looked at the clock to see how much time I had left. I think it was around 40 minutes so I went back to sleep.

I got up at 4:20 with the intention of coming in to work around 5am and lifting lower body. But as I started to get dressed I realized my legs were kind of sore from teaching class yesterday, plus I have to teach a step class in a little bit. So I didn't think stressing out my muscles even more was a great idea. Not to mention that I had a headache.

So I stretched out on the couch downstairs and vegged for an hour before getting ready. As I was washing my face I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror (I usually try to avoid this at all costs, especially first thing in the morning) and almost had a heart attack.

I had face cellulite.

Yes you read that right. Cellulite. On my face.


Who has cellulite on her face? I'm 29! I'm in fairly good shape. I only have 1 chin. I fit into single-digit sizes and have decent muscle tone. Why the F do I have cellulite on my FACE and why did I never notice it before?

It was on the left side of my face, down between my chin and my ear. I studied it closely, tugged at it, smushed it together, spread it out, patted it down. It remained lumpy. Luckily it hadn't migrated over to the right side yet so there was still hope. I wondered if they perform jawline liposuction and how much that would cost.

So I'm sitting there somewhere between freaking out and having an aneurysm, for literally about 10 minutes until I realize that my cellulite is the result of an hour's worth of dozing with my face on an afghan.

What a relief!

1 comment:

Eludius said...

At least you're not bald. I woke up one morning and realized that I had gained 40 pounds, shrank to 5'4" tall, had glasses, was married with 3 kids, and had a receding hairline.