Sunday, August 24, 2008

To Anonymous:

First of all, that's great that we both agree that The Avenue is great!

Secondly, I realize that I'm not perfect, and that when I splay my personal stuff all over the Internet, people are going to take advantage of the opportunity to point out all of my imperfections. That is perfectly fine with me, as you can probably see, I'm harder on myself than any third party could be!

But I would hope that anyone who believes so strongly that something I did or said I did was wrong that they have to comment on my behavior in a negative manner will have the respect to put a name to his or her comment.

For many reasons.

I would hope that as civilized respectful adults we do not criticize others unless we ourselves are model citizens. So I would look forward to viewing you as a resource where I could get ideas on how to be a better parent, since you question my competence as a parent, based on the fact that I called a 3-year old girl Little Bitch.

On a side note, I'm not sure how you inferred that from my comments. I don't see exactly what one has to do with the other. This blog is the only place where I referred to that girl as Little Bitch. And last I checked, SB didn't read this blog. I've never said that word in front of SB and I've never talked down another kid to SB. My role as a parent and my thoughts on this blog are two separate things. I'm surprised you didn't realize that.

You may have noticed that I deleted your comment. Not because I was embarrassed or insulted by what you had to say, since I feel I'm doing a pretty good job of paraphrasing your comments right here, but because you chose to remain anonymous, which tells me that you're not confident enough in your statements to stand behind them.

If you had provided your name, I could also have hit you up for ideas on what I could have called the little girl that would have provided the same darkly humorous shock value that Little Bitch did. You do realize that's what I was doing, right? That I don't really think this girl is a bitch, but I was calling her that to add an element of raw black humor? That it wasn't meant to be taken literally?

And yes, I'm fully aware, no- hopeful; thankful, even, that no one is as intrigued by SB as I am. She's my daughter, created by myself and my husband. I would expect no less!

Perhaps no one else has commented on my behavior and childishness because they understand all of this.

My intentions with this blog are not to provide a How To book on raising children. That's what Britney Spears' mother is here for. My intentions are to provide an account of how my life is as the wife of a full-time musician. Of course, bits and pieces from my life as a mother are going to make their way in. That's one part of many that make up who I am. But here on this blog I'm typing it as I think it and I'm not sugar coating anything.

Anyway, bottom line is- I have disabled the Anonymous Commenter device, so any non-anonymous comments are welcome.

Now, if you'll pardon me, apparently I need to go and get a grip and a clue!


mdduckman said...

Although I didn't read the comment in question, I CAN vouch for Bmore Mama's credentials as a loving and caring parent...she loves SB very much and I'm kinda shocked that her parenting was called into question. This is the one thing that's bad about the internet - anyone who wants to write anything in response, even if it's way off base, can do so and do so anonymously...and there are those that will take that as the gospel. I know Bmore Mama, and she's not like that at all.

Eludius said...

Judge not one's comments on a blog. A blog is the written word of the unspoken thought. Many blogs are written tongue-in-cheek and if anyone reads this blog regularly, sarcasm is a rampant theme.

To that point, I would hardly condemn B'More Mama for blogging her thoughts about some bitchy kid. On the contrary, kudos for knowing how a child is not to act in public.

wmguide said...

I was at the Avenue that evening, I saw the interaction between the children, I read the the blog and your reaction. I feel sorry for someone like you. If you didn't get the fact that this is Bmore Mama's sense of humor, then you are the one who needs to get a "clue". If you have nothing better to do than read blogs that you don't understand, enjoy or appreciate, and trash the authors, then you need to get a life. If you would question a mother's parenting based on a humorous blog, then you are surely the one who needs to "get a grip".

What kind of parent would write this? A model parent and a loving wife. FYI......Bmore Mama doesn't swear (that's what gave her comments more humorous impact), drink, smoke and is extremely kind, generous, FUNNY and caring. I know better than anyone since Bmore Mama is my wife.

Finally, as for your last comment...."I cannot believe no one else has commented on ur behavior and childishness". No one has posted any negative comments about Bmore Mama or her blog because they "get it" unlike you. I hope my thoughts on your cowardly anonymous attack help you to "get a grip".

Lighten up!