Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Lone Dancing Peppermint

SB's Christmas dance recital was on Sunday. The entire studio, teachers included, were doing a condensed version of The Nutcracker. It was no New York City Ballet, but it was definitely an adorable show, and the girls obviously worked very hard on their performances.

The show was sold out. We're even lucky we got 2 tickets for TB and myself. Probably better that we couldn't drag the Grandmas along with us, because it turned out to be a long day. Dress rehearsal started at 11:45 and the show started at 2. In between, we weren't allowed to go to the stage area so it was a lot of sitting around for us, in between potty breaks. Which were of annoying frequency.

Finally, at a few minutes before 2 we filed into the auditorium. We chose seats in the third row back, a few seats down from a woman who was sitting by herself, but had her purse on the seat 2 seats down, obviously saving it for someone. Who didn't arrive by the time the show started.

The auditorium turned dark and the show began. Clara danced, the Nutcracker pranced, and lots of skinny girls in costumes that were falling apart around them shuffled around. Between 2 scenes, a voice boomed out over the loudspeaker informing us that a) certain illegally parked cars were being towed and b) there were lots of people standing in the back, so could everyone please move into any empty seats toward the center of the row so the extra people could take the aisle seats with minimal distraction.

I started to move in next to the woman, whose company never showed up, and she told me she was saving the seats. I told her I knew that but I was just following orders. She said her friend was coming down the aisle just now. I paused and looked at the aisle to see how close she was, and didn't see anyone. Seriously? Was she lying that blatantly? I moved over into the seat and cut off her protests, saying that they asked us to move in so the latecomers could take the aisle seats and not cause any disturbances, which I was already doing. Personally, I avoid confrontation at all costs, and this was way out of character for me. I was terrified that the next thing I'd see was her purse flying through the air at my face. But luckily she gave up.

But this is also the woman who decided it was important that she take a phone call in the middle of the show. Right there at her seat. Nice.

Anyway, finally, it was SB's turn. The stage was dark as they brought the little ones onto the stage. You could see just the shadows of 2 little girls in tutus being led onto the stage. The audience was quiet, and you heard a little voice say "Mommy?" The entire audience did a collective "Awwwwww..." and both little girls ventured to the edge of the stage to see where that noise came from.

The audience gasped and the entire front row leaped up and raced to the stage in case one of these little tots should happen to forget that the stage ended and stepped off into the air. The girls giggled and stared down off the stage.

The lights came on and they turned around to stand in the center of the stage. They were SB and Anna (the floor licker, and the one who asked for Mommy). Jordan was led onto stage just then, by her mother. She was crying and clutching a teddy bear. The audience applauded her and the music began.

SB jumped to life. She jumped out, jumped in, jumped up and jumped down. She even did the kicks, that she kept forgetting before. She did the whole routine, albeit a crude version. I was so proud.

Anna stood there for a moment, then wandered off to stage left to climb some oversized gifts that were there for decoration. And by "climb" I mean plaster herself to the sides until a stage mother came to pry her off and carry her offstage.

Jordan stood in the center of the stage, hugging her teddy bear and bawling her eyes out, leaving all the dancing to SB.

The big girls danced around them, then they clustered around SB and pranced in their little circle, then ran off stage. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. TB got the whole thing on video, and if I can figure out a way to get it onto my computer, I'll upload it here. But for now you'll have to settle for the incredibly adorable photo of SB dancing and Jordan crying.

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