Monday, January 11, 2010

Busy Mama

I guess it's partly because of the holidays, but I've been crazy busy lately! I haven't even sat at my computer at home in months, except to load up SB's "adventure game", or to pull up videos of "Where Dreams Begin" on youtube. If you've never heard that song, and you're curious about what it is, don't bother searching for it. It will stay in your head for weeks, and even cause completely different Disney princess songs to pop into your heads. I woke up this morning jamming to some song from Mulan in my head that I didn't even know I knew.

So that's my lame excuse for not being devoted lately. Although with the hiatus I took back in the fall, I guess it's only to be expected. I have 164 photos and videos on my phone right now, many of which I'd like to share with you. So I need to get to blogging!

So what have I been up to? Mostly carting SB around to dance lessons, rehearsals and recitals. She was in the Nutcracker again last weekend. Freaking adorable, no doubt. But that's not what I want to talk about right now. A few weeks ago was parents' night at dance class, where we parents were allowed into the room to sit up front and witness first hand what we are paying for. Last year I got to see SB writhe around on the floor, make funny faces in the mirror, and perform the same dance, no matter what the lesson was. I was also lucky enough to catch Anna in the act, a dear child who made my own brat look like an angel.

This year, SB was great. Her body went through the right motions, but her face was a screwed up ball of grinning cheese that shouted "Look at me, Ma!" and had all the parents and the teacher cracking up. I had forgotten my camera, but luckily had my phone, and was able to catch this priceless moment of Emma (far right, if you couldn't tell) picking her nose. Then eating it. At least it wasn't my kid!!

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